Lazy Yoga 

It’s dark, wet, cold and windy here in Wales and frankly on the 1st of the month when the March winds are truly blowing with all their might, it is beginning to feel as though Winter will never end! 

Medically undiagnosed I am, convinced that I am one of the many people who suffer from S.A.D or seasonal affective disorder, lack of sunlight.

January, February and March in Britain can be a struggle, even when trying to combat the effects a lack of sunlight can have with exercise, sun lamps, holidays abroad (if you can afford it) and diet. 

With the exception of sun lamps, I have tried everything else and find the best approach is a combination of all the above. 

The reason for writing this is, however, to share with you, something I have been doing recently to help me get out of bed in the morning, which when it is dark and cold I find most difficult. 

I love yoga and strive to be someone who glides of out bed, unrolls my mat and starts the day with gentle stretches and exercises. 

It looks perfect when I see impossibly fit women on my FB feed doing just this. 

However, when I wake in the morning, I agonise for far too long over leaving my cosy bed and inevitably run out of time, never managing to be the fit yoga person I would like to be! 

Much to my delight, this morning I discovered what I coined ‘lazy yoga’ (haven’t googled yet to see if someone else has come up with same phrase, though guessing they have). 

I woke up and as usual couldn’t bear to get out from under the covers, but started stretching and moving my body using moves taught to me in the excellent evening yoga class I attend far too infrequently. 

It worked! 

After 10 minutes of leg curls, arm stretches, body hugs and even some planks (could do with a better mattress for this), I did in fact glide out of bed and into the shower in a far more positive frame of mind than usual at that early hour of the morning. 

Tomorrow, I may even graduate to sitting on the edge of the bed with some gentle music. 

It may sound simple and too good to be true and lots of you probably already do similar but at the same time lots of you probably don’t!  

I would love to know your experiences and alternative approaches you may have to beating the morning struggle.  

Tomorrow I hope to go for a run straight after my gentle stretches but I won’t promise! 

Namaste ❤

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